Monthly Archives: March 2014

9 steps to manage temper tantrums.


1.  We should not pay attention to the tantrum. If you give in to your  child while he is having a tantrum you are not allowing him to learn to tolerate his frustrations.

2. Wait for your child to calm down.

3. Explain that when they are calm you will pay attention to them and help them solve their problem.

4. It is very important for us to stay calm at all times, children recognize our frustration as well and that in turn makes them more frustrated.

5. Be firm and consistent, but show your child affection, not anger.

6. Try to divert your child’s attention to something else.

7. You have to act as a role model therefore when you feel frustrated or angry try to control the situation and don’t lose your temper.

8. Talk to your child, express your own emotions and help them to feel comfortable when expressing their emotions to you.

9. Do not judge your child, be understanding and only criticize exactly what they did wrong, do not make a general criticism of your child, as this can  be negative for your child’s emotional development.